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In the emergency situation where the recovery position in order to leave a player to go and get help, to adjust for the position of the shoulder pad and helmet rather than placing the typical position with the hand against the cheek, a modified position by extending the arm above the head and shoulder to keep one arm straight, then using the standard procedure. And in this case, in order to demonstrate, I'm gonna push the player away from me rather than pull him towards me, will allow for the head to rest on the arm and support the weight of the helmet.

If you feel that the head is gonna droop across, placing their second hand to support the face cage may be of some benefit. You'll then be able to leave the player and go and get help. And they should be in a position if they were to vomit or to have any airway compromise that this risk could be minimized. Once help has been called for, returning to the player it would be important to re-check for signs of life. This is both for airway clearance as well as if the player is breathing. This can be done, again, by reaching over, looking and listening for breath sounds, and the rise and fall of the chest. Feeling for a pulse may also be possible if required.